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just tried Elite Dangerous on my new 980

Honored Guest
Wow wow wow......... this is just incredible. Don't know how the difference is going to be when you had a 780 ti, but when you come from a gtx 760 like me (was waiting for this new series before I would upgrade), prepare to be swept from your feet...

Honored Guest
I think you're fine with 8 gb yeh... Only have the 16gb for my ue4 project 🙂

I think you get a better comparison when someone with a 780+ shares his experiences. For me it feels like upgrading from a vw golf to a ferrari, so i am probably not the most suitable guy to give a good comparison 🙂 just trying to convince 760 people to upgrade 🙂

Elite: Dangerous is a 32bit application, so it can only address 4gb RAM as long as the OS is a 64bit OS (3gb if it is not). So, 8GB would be, imo, the best to have (4gb for game, 4gb for OS and other applications)

"Cgpnz" wrote:
I am confused with regard to gtx980/970. The cuda count is stuff all increase, same with 7ghz mem freq.
What's the performance increase? Power consumption for me I a non-issue.

The main benefit of the decrease in power consumption would be for overclocking. Another benefit to this year's "new releases", graphic cards, operating systems (slated for Q3/Q4 2015), drivers, and directX (slated for Q3/Q4 2015), are more about optimizing rather than "shiny features".
Current WIPs using Unreal Engine 4: Agrona - Tales of an Era: Medieval Fantasy MORPG

My EVGA GTX 980 SC arrived yesterday but I didn't get much time to sort things out as it was late in the day and family obligations. But...

It replaced an EVGA GTX 770 and the difference was noticeable but slight. The motherboard is an ASUS Sabertooth 990 FX with an AMD 8350 8 core at 4.0 GHz, 16 GB RAM which has PCIe 2.0 slots while the 980 is 3.0 capable (possible bottleneck). OS is Win 8.1 64 bit.

I updated the driver to 344.11 and rebooted. On reboot I didn't find anything in the control panel to enable or disable the VR Direct features and in general it looked pretty much the same as before. Performance in the few games and sims I had time to try was only slightly better than with the 770.

DCS was first up. I can't see the frame counter in it so just qualitative and while smoother, it isn't by a lot. I tried various settings for vsync, full screen, and detail level, and still it comes back to slight juddering but it's different. Not sure how to describe it other than the judder is reduced just a bit but what is noticeable now is smear when I turn my head. I don't think I'm in low persistence mode at all which is odd because I don't remember the smear before. Just judder.

I tried Titans of Space since Drash has a nice FPS counter right on the dash and disabled vsync. Where before I was hitting 150-200 running free looking at the earth, it's now in the 200-300 fps range. Titans was smooth before but now it's whipped cream and butter. I think the performance increase here is also hard to see just because Drash did such a good job of optimization anyway.

Next was Prepar3D with DCOC (latest version) to get a Rift support but it stuttered really bad. I mean really bad. I had just set up DCOC so it is probably something not set right yet and not DCOC or the 980 so this one is inconclusive.

I haven't tried Live For Speed yet and it might be a good one to gauge 980 performance with since it seemed just into the sweet spot with the 770. Will report when I do hopefully later today.

But all that said, john Carmack is apparently talking about the Maxwell enhancements for VR today so it is very possible those don't come into play until we get an updated runtime/SDK that supports them. Also, we know that support for some of VR Direct isn't even in the 344.11 driver. And I don't know how much running the 980 in a slot that can't do PCIe 3.0 limits bandwidth. It's certainly possible if the bandwidth is high but it also might not matter if the bandwidth for a single card is within 2.0 limits. What I have heard is that 3.0 isn't really necessary until you run two cards in SLI but that was before VR-SLI. It could be the data rate is lower in VR-SLI since the image resolution at least with DK2 is only 960x1080 per eye though the information needed to render that scene may or may not be reduced.

So for me it's inconclusive so far. I think that we need the new run time to really unleash Maxwell with VR but we don't know if that will matter until we hear Carmack's talk. I bet it does. Big time. But we'll see.

Until then, not a lot of difference I can really see in my system.
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Honored Guest
I definitely noticed a difference going from an overclocked 680 to 980. Before there was some slight juddering inside a space station but now it is silky smooth. 😄 For the immersion factor it really does make a difference if there is NO judder whatsoever. Even a little can be enough to dispel the immersion for me.

Honored Guest
"Doppleganger333" wrote:
I definitely noticed a difference going from an overclocked 680 to 980. Before there was some slight juddering inside a space station but now it is silky smooth. 😄 For the immersion factor it really does make a difference if there is NO judder whatsoever. Even a little can be enough to dispel the immersion for me.

Could you post your graphics settings, please? I get judder with 780 Tis in SLI and as a single GPU.

I have 2 980's arriving today and I'd like to play around with Elite this evening.

Honored Guest
All on high with AA disabled, as menus are clearer in the rift with it off.

Honored Guest
"Doppleganger333" wrote:
All on high with AA disabled, as menus are clearer in the rift with it off.

Thanks! Are you downsampling at all, or just using the native 1080?

"Doppleganger333" wrote:
All on high with AA disabled, as menus are clearer in the rift with it off.

This is interesting, very interesting.

I wonder if it would be possible to design something in code to enable AA for the general scene, however, have it disabled for text.
Current WIPs using Unreal Engine 4: Agrona - Tales of an Era: Medieval Fantasy MORPG

Honored Guest
"unmeaty" wrote:
"Doppleganger333" wrote:
All on high with AA disabled, as menus are clearer in the rift with it off.

Thanks! Are you downsampling at all, or just using the native 1080?

Just the native 1080 but I intend to try the new DSR downsampling mode.

Honored Guest
I tried this last night and it worked well:

Just be careful when you download the patcher, one is ~400KB and one is ~900KB.

You want the file that's ~900KB. The other is crapware with a similar file name.