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nausea in CV1 but not in DK2

Honored Guest
hey guys!

i've been wondering what would be causing this... i owned a DK2 and i had zero nausea with it... i could play games for hours without any issues.

but now with CV1 i have a little bit of dizziness after a few minutes playing... google earth is one of the worst for me... can't stand more than a few minutes.

i have good FPS and my IPD is set accordingly in the HMD.

what else can i do?

does anyone else has the same experience coming from the DK2?

thanks in advance!

Heroic Explorer
You are doing eveything right.  I would stop using the DK2.  Use the CV1 only.  Play until you feel sick and then stop.  After a while of doing that you will be able to use CV1 for as long as you like.

When I first got CV1 I felt sick when using it.  I never had a DK1 or DK2.  As soon as I did feel sick I stopped playing.  Each time I used CV1 it was taking longer and longer before I felt sick. Nowadys I can play anything for hours and not feel sick.  There is no app or game that makes me feel sick.     


You are doing eveything right.  I would stop using the DK2.  Use the CV1 only.  Play until you feel sick and then stop.  After a while of doing that you will be able to use CV1 for as long as you like.

When I first got CV1 I felt sick when using it.  I never had a DK1 or DK2.  As soon as I did feel sick I stopped playing.  Each time I used CV1 it was taking longer and longer before I felt sick. Nowadys I can play anything for hours and not feel sick.  There is no app or game that makes me feel sick.     

Try a roller coaster game then say that. LOL 

Not applicable
My only experience with VR before the CV1 was cheap plastic Google Cardboard headsets. They never made me sick - but never felt fully immersive.

The only games that have made me feel nausea in the CV1 are:

1 - Duke Nukem 3d (eDukeVR) - 20 minutes (probably a little less) and I wasn't able to put my headset on for two days afterwards.
2 - Lucky's Tale - only the first time, and it wasn't so much that I got nauseous it was that I felt out of my body. I had to stop after an hour because I didn't like the feeling of it. When I went back to the game a few weeks later I did not have this effect.

I feel pretty lucky - because I feel like I had VR legs naturally and have been able to play long sessions since I got my Rift. My younger brother however gets nausea pretty quick - not to the point where he has to take the headset off, but enough for it to be noticeable.

I think the best bet is like @wanoennogs mentioned just keep exposing yourself to it until you get adjusted to the new headset.

Digikid1 said:

Try a roller coaster game then say that. LOL 

I have tried a Rollercoaster one (can't remember which one - it is free on the Oculus store, though it has in app purchases for more coasters) and it did give me the
sensation of being on one - the drop in the gut when you start heading
downward. But I didn't get much nausea from it - I am going to plug in a fan soon and put it at full blast in front of me and see if that helps provide a little more physical immersion.

Any roller coasters you recommend specifically?

Honored Guest

I would stop using the DK2.  Use the CV1 only.

i don't have the DK2 anymore... using only the CV1.

but yeah, i'm hoping that with time i'll feel better with it.


Luckys Tails is definitely a sit down game