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"So Moss Is Out For Oculus".....Say WHAT!!!??



Hey you, yes you. Stop right there, drop what what you're doing, go to the Store and buy Moss right now. No, not later, now. Why you ask? and who are you to tell me what's what?   Only because.....Moss is one of the best game ever!!! And remember, lazy gamers gather no Moss. Yes, I went there, deal with it.

Who is John Galt?

Expert Trustee
Is it worth £20? The video trailer looks good.
UK: England - Leeds - - RTX 2080 - Rift CV1 & Rift S - Make love, not war - See you in the Oasis!

My 8 year old girl would've loved this.. if she understood english. Guess poor old dad has to play it instead :blush:


Is it worth £20? The video trailer looks good.

Easily the best £20 you've ever spent (apart from that night you know...)
Who is John Galt?

Grand Champion
Easily worth $100 - but luckily we get the best games on the entire planet for next to nothing!

Moss may already be on my top 3 of best games ever made (at least within it's genre). It's not 5/5, it's probably 8/5 (compared to other 5/5 games except Lone Echo, of course).

£20 or $30 is a steal - the game works great in high detail using SS 2.0 (on oc'ed 1080), just a-w-e-s-o-m-e. Trailer doesn't capture the Moss magic by far - you simply need to experience the living and breathing Moss World in VR!

As the pusher said - "just give it a try, if you don't like it you'll get your money back"  😄 (bad joke - I'm totally against non-VR drugs - but you get the idea - I hope) 


Verdict 100%:

“While Moss is a short adventure, it's one filled with
awe and wonder. The storytelling is superb with brilliant writing and a great
atmosphere. The gameplay while basic is so much fun that you will never want to
stop playing this game. [...] Moss is a masterpiece that is going to go down in
the history books for the first game of this genre to work and play well in


Verdict 100%:

Moss is
one of those games that is, in the purest and simplest way, golden. [...] Quill
is so happy to have you join her on this journey, and the camaraderie you two
create is unforgettable. I highly suggest tagging along, you won’t regret it. So
when she squeaks and holds up her adorable little arm, make sure you don’t leave
her hanging. This is an adventure you want to experience every part



Verdict 100%:

“For a debut game, Moss is a remarkably mature, intelligent,
confident and purposeful game by Polyarc. And risky. [...]. But, no, the
developer had a vision that this game would use VR as core to the narrative, and
it has risked far lower sales to execute the game to that vision. I hope it
works out, because Moss really is the best VR game we've seen to

Verdict 100%:

“Moss is
a flawlessly crafted experience starring a character that absolutely deserves to
be the face of modern VR. Every inch of the world shows attention to detail, and
a story is woven that draws you in, making you truly invested in the world and
in Quill as a person. All that can be wished for is that there was more. Get on
that, Polyarc.”


Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"

Expert Protege
How long does it take to play through the whole game?

Heroic Explorer
Fantastic game! Stunning graphic fidelity. All the attention to detail! The cuteness! 
I also liked the "fourth wall" interactions. And it requires some challenging multitasking, e.g. holding one enemy robot with your touch controller and using it to shoot other enemies with the right thumbstick while controlling Quill with your left thumb.
The game is not long (about 2-3h) but still good value for the price. Some replay value for completionists in collecting.
It should also be a great game for those prone to motion sickness. There is no camera movement at all.

Heroic Explorer

Wildt said:

My 8 year old girl would've loved this.. if she understood english. Guess poor old dad has to play it instead :blush:

If it helps the narration can be switched to English, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese, plus Spanish and Italian in subtitles.

Grand Champion
Just wrote a review of the Rift version - it's in Danish, ended up awarding the game a solid 98 % - but I do believe Moss deserves it (98 % simply means that no game is better within the genre). 

I've added more screenshots:

PS. Note that Moss - the first time you start the game - defaults to the low graphics setting, so remember to change it to high!

Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"

Grand Champion
There's a new patch for Moss - unfortunately there's no info about what the patch is for in the Oculus Store. But according to Steam the patch fixes the following issues:

Moss 1.0.3 Update

Moss now officially supports Windows Mixed Reality headsets! We’ve also added a new Controls sub-menu which can be found within the Pause Menu. This sub-menu will allow you to reference your current controller layout as well as toggle between two new layouts.

The first layout option allows you to change the way movement controls. You can select between Touch-to-Move and Press-to-Move. The former is the layout we shipped Moss with. The latter requires you to press and hold as you move Quill through the environment. We’ve found this helps mitigate a handful of the ghost input issues players have been reporting.

The second layout option allows you to change the way your Jump and Attack actions are mapped. You can select between the Default layout of Attack/Jump on either side of the touch-pad or Dedicated Jump. The Dedicated Jump layout assigns Attack to the right-hand top menu button and utilizes the full touch-pad surface for Jump.

Both options are intended to alleviate issues players have been reported with the Vive wand touch pad. If you are one of the players that has had issues with the controls in Moss we’d love to hear any feedback you may have after trying them out.

In addition to these changes we’ve made a few quality of life fixes. Any action that potentially affects Save Data will provide context to what the action specifically does. We’ve also fixed the Spectator Screen to open at an appropriate window size. Lastly, we've made optimizations to how levels reload when respawning. Reload times are faster in these situations.


Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"

Rising Star

Stumbled on this last week...just finished it.

To me this needs to be in everyones VR library..  a smooth well polished game. Cute adventure, and platform puzzles.
Well narrated and looks amazing!

Its not difficult, but the amount of subtle interactions with Quill (the mouse) and the environment makes it very fulfilling as the "Reader" (player)

Just get it!

Once chapter 2 comes out, its a no brainer buy also for me


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