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Oculus Developer Hub won't record when button is press

Honored Guest


Before I could record from the ODH when pressing the Record Video button.  With the current version when I press it won't start to record but it shows an error, "Error: Device display is off". 




Both my Oculus Quest 1 and ODH are updated.

thanks in advance.



I'm also getting this issue, a work around is to change the settings to your requirements in ODH(this still works for me), then with the record function in the headset, you can record with the settings you've applied in ODH.

I don't know about him but your solution is not for me unfortunately because I want to record the passthrough and we can't record it with the record function "in the headset".


ODH is super interesting because it allows you to record the quest to computer direct cast with passthrough (sidequest on pc allows that but not on mac).


I'm really searching a way to find how to, I was not on mac before but now i'am.... 



I'm also searching for a solution on this. I'm just getting 'Error: Device display is off'. I tried searching through the logs but can't find anything super helpful. When the error appears, the error that appears in the logs is:


[error][OculusDeveloperHub][2022-11-07T21:08:54.335Z] {"type":"oculus_odh_app_error","error_name":"VideoCaptureError","level":"warning","message":"Timeout while querying for video capture state","stack_trace":"VideoCaptureError: Timeout while querying for video capture state\n at file:///Applications/\n at async t.vrRuntimeIsRecording (file:///Applications/\nCaused by: Timeout: Timeout while waiting for first log line\n at file:///Applications/","error_types":null}


For anyone interested, on a mac, the logs can be found at:

~/Library/Application Support/odh/odh.log


My MQDH version is 3.0.1


Are you on "linked" by wifi when you try ? I think I could record one time when I had the cable... So i'm wondering if it happens only on wifi (the cast screen works tho, recording is not supposed to be different)


I will make another test with cable this time to see if there is a difference (but I prefer wireless of course)


I've tried this both wirelessly and also connected via cable and unfortunately I'm seeing the same results with both methods. I appreciate you following up though. Hoping this is fixed via software update soon!


Did you search others ways solutions ? I tried several things without success (airserver, macports scrcs something with command in the terminal, I gave up that one ! )


I checked on reddit, on this forum, I find it surprising that it is so hard to do that on mac, where are the devs ? ;D 🙏 


I'm having the same issue on Mac + Quest PRO. I contacted the devs and they say it is an issue of my computer. But as I am seeing here it is not an isolated problem. Please give us a solution Meta... 

When their QA gets around to testing it, they'll realise its a bug on their end.

Honored Guest

I'm just confirming I have the same issue with older Oculus Quest + PC. I get the same

'Device display is off.'