06-12-2023 11:24 AM
If a user attempts to review a version of an app that is newer than the one in the LIVE channel, it silently fails, and they're stuck with a spinner that never finishes. If they're on a release channel that's the same version code or older than LIVE, they are allowed to submit the review.
Looking at the browser developer console, it seems that the call to : https://graph.oculus.com/graphql
returns something like:
{"data":{"rate_application":null},"errors":[{"message":"A server error field_exception occured. Check server logs for details.","severity":"CRITICAL","code":1357006,"api_error_code":200,"summary":"Something went wrong","description":"We're having trouble completing your request. Please try again.","description_raw":"We're having trouble completing your request. Please try again.","is_silent":false,"is_transient":false,"requires_reauth":false,"allow_user_retry":false,"debug_info":null,"query_path":null,"fbtrace_id":"Bgc5F7pKVBJ","www_request_id":"A4jnGG0zVbXSKT4PkPTC6hi","path":["rate_application"]}]}
But this does not get converted to a clear message.
This is not a new bug. I'd reported it on the Start discord back in August (https://discord.com/channels/516966070448553994/570906190972846083/1003967206582923306) but then, it was a different message from the backend:
{"data":{"rate_application":null},"errors":[{"message":"A server error field_exception occured. Check server logs for details.","severity":"CRITICAL","code":1891542,"api_error_code":12057,"summary":"Review Not Accepted","description":"This application is not released yet.","description_raw":"This application is not released yet.","is_silent":false,"is_transient":false,"requires_reauth":false,"allow_user_retry":false,"debug_info":null,"query_path":null,"fbtrace_id":"B07GFaKtgSY","www_request_id":"Ael8AIAl333Zsxr_E4An3n2","path":["rate_application"]}]}
This one was clearer, but still wasn't being handled by the frontend.
In any case, if the user switches back to the live channel and reloads the page (and the reload is required!), they can review the app, and then switch back to beta or alpha or rc or testing or whatever channel they want.
06-12-2023 11:55 AM
Same issue for us. We gave a user Beta channel access, and asked him to add review. It was stuck spinning.