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About Meta XR Simulator not showing up

Honored Guest

Hello everyone, has anyone tried Meta XR Simulator successfully?

I am a unity beginner. Everything I did was according to the official documentation, and although the program does not report errors, it also does not give me the interface presented in its documentation. I updated Oculus Integration to v50.0 and it didn't help.
Does anyone have the same problem as me? I look forward to your answer. Thank you!

Documentation URL: Use Meta XR Simulator to Speed Up Unity OpenXR Development Iteration | Oculus Developers



OK so the entry in the registry wasn't there, so I ran the activate_simulator.ps1 file manually.  That added the entry into the registry.  I restarted my (very simple) project and still the (activated) simulator is not showing up.  I went through the 'Getting Started with Meta XR Simulator'Any other tips you could give, that might work? 

Thanks in advance.

Make sure XR settings are correct. In registry the path should be form the Library folder of the project you are running it under. Check for latest update too.

Life saver!