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Can't remove Oculus Integration from Project

Honored Guest

Upon trying to remove this plugin, I get an error saying "Some assets could not be deleted. Make sure nothing is keeping a hook on them, like a loaded DLL for example." How do I delete it?


Expert Protege

Try quitting Unity and deleting the Oculus folder in Explorer.

this helped me but didn't delete all. when playing a project there is a debug.warning "Unable to start Oculus XR Plugin.".. is there any idea?

@esa08maybe you didn't uncheck the XR oculus of builld settings ->player settings -> XR Plugin managment.
Otherwise don't forget to uninstall XR plugin management and their dependecies from package manager.

Yeah,, this is too long, but i hope your comments can help anyone who needs it. uncheck XR oculus in XR Plugin Management has helped me.