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Cannot Get Interaction SDK Ray Interactors Working


I am trying to get the Ray Interactors from the Interaction SDK to do something as simple as grabbing and moving an interactable object, but it won't work. Here is my setup, organized to show child objects by indentation, and components in parentheses:


- Controller Object (Controller, Controller Active State)

        - Interaction Object (Best Hover Interaction Group)

        - OVR Controller Data Source (From OVR Controller Data Source, Tracking to World Transformer OVR)

        - Ray Interactor (Controller Ref, Ray Interactor, Active State Tracker, Interactor Active State)

                - Controller Pointer Pose (Controller Pointer Pose)

                - Trigger Selector (Controller Selector)

                - Visuals (Ray Interactor Cursor Visual, Controller Ray Visual, Material Property Block Editor, Meshes, Renderers, Cursors, etc.) 


- Sphere (Mesh, Mesh Renderer, Collider, Ray Interactable, Collider Surface, Move From Target Provider, Grabbable, Material)

With this setup I cannot grab and move the interactable sphere, even though everything I have seen tells me I should be able to. The cursor at the end of my ray changes color when I press the trigger button, so I believe that the interactable is being selected by the ray interactor, but it cannot actually move it. I have been trying for quite a while to get the ray interactor working, but I have no idea what the solution could be at this point. Any help would be appreciated.



Hi. I suggest you try two things:
1) There is a ray grab interaction in the ISDK comprehensive scene that demonstrates this interaction for grabbing and moving the panel using a raycast. Take a look at this for an example of how to do this interaction. 
2) You can setup ray grab interactions using the new ISDK Quick Actions functionality. Right click on the interactable object, select Interaction SDK, and select Add Ray Grab Interaction. Make sure you have set up your interactor rig properly (

Thank you. This helped a bit. I've finally gotten the ray interactors working, and I am not 100% sure how. However, here are the things you should definitely have in your project for controller ray interaction:

- Controller objects in OVR Camera Rig (from prefab)

- Controller Ray Interactor object with Controller ref (from prefab)

- Controller Tracking Game Object (from Building Blocks)

        - Let Building Block handle controller visual, or else things will get real freaky (issues with global and local            positioning and parent location dependence not working)

- For interactables, do the Quick Actions Interaction SDK "Add Ray Grab Interaction" mentioned above

A combo of all of these got my Interaction SDK Ray Interactors working, but it was a difficult and confusing process. My advice is to use prefabs whenever possible to avoid having to deal with script interactions and dependencies.