After importing the Oculus Unity Integration into any project, even an empty one, I can no longer remove the Oculus plugins. A Unity error prevents it.
It should be easy to remove Oculus support from an App, it's an option in the menu: "Oculus -> Tools -> Disable OVR Utilities Plugin". This does not work, it restarts Unity and the Oculus plugins are still enabled. There is a popup that warns that the plugins installed through the Package Manager will remain enabled, but pulling up the Package Manager shows no Oculus plugins at all.
Simply deleting the Oculus folder is impossible, it prompts an error message which says that "Some assets could not be deleted. Make sure nothing is keeping a hook on them, like a loaded DLL for example."
Deleting files one by one reveals that the DLL that cannot be deleted is AudioPluginOculusSpatializer.dll. It is impossible to delete as long as Unity is open, the only option I have found is to delete the file while Unity is closed. This seems excessive. On older versions of Unity this was never required, the folder could be deleted at any point.
Is there a way to remove the Oculus Spatializer within Unity?