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Closing the Oculus App Crashes Unity

Honored Guest
Pushing play on any of the demos scenes in the unity sdk will open the Oculus app, if you close it at any time unity will crash about 25-30 seconds later.

I know you get a warning saying it will close any app your running in vr but why does the unity editor crash!?

Looking at the crash log you get the error "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."

Steve Collins


What headset are you working with? 

Honored Guest
At the moment none, I'm working on a comparison guide between the rift s and the vive pro sdk in unity for my manager, Steamvr works fine if closed unity will run until I stop it but the Oculus desktop app closes unity almost instantly is there a reason for this?   

Well, i'd say having actual hardware would be a better test. This situation would never happen in a real application though since oculus home is also the rift runtime, so its not like you can use a rift without it running.

Honored Guest
True, but the underlying problem is still fascinating, after more research unity doesn't crash it simply closes and any attempts to find more information is hard because there is no crash log, building a development build to find out what happened is pointless since it crashes on startup. The crash log from that says ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError which according to unity means the crash handler failed to locate where the code crashed!

Unity stopped working and I can't find out why and it annoys me! How can the desktop Oculus app tell unity to close because I said no and why does unity readily accept this and close!  

Honored Guest
Quick update: Building a developer build in unity crashes instantly, the crash logs suggest OVRPlugin.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) 

But a non developer build works great, doesn't crash or anything... Is this Oculus trying to stop us from seeing what happens under the hood so to speak!?

I still can't find a concrete reason as to why closing the Oculus Desktop App causes unity to close, it's quite a unique problem and while I must admit that it's fun working on these problems I would rather have a definitive answer!