12-15-2024 05:17 PM
Hello, I'm the developer of Home Detective, out on the Quest Store.
I recently made an app update, it seemed to go through smoothly, but a couple of days later I got an email saying I had a VRC failure - VRC.Quest.Functional.4, "must not lose the user's data".
I checked my app and it seems to be saving ok. It's true that it replays the intro if you don't complete level 1 - this is by design (level 1 is short and functions like a tutorial).
I was wondering if the VRC failure might have something to do with Cloud Saves, so I uninstalled the app and actually, upon restoring, I got an old save back and I lost some progress. But this appears to be a bug in Cloud Saves, rather than my app. I made sure that my Save.json file (inside android/data/<bundleid>/files) was being updated by the app, and made a Cloud Backup manually in the Quest UI. But when uninstalling and reinstalling my app, I get an old Save.json back (from weeks ago).
I can get it back to a functioning state by viewing the Cloud Backups on the web and deleting all the old ones. Then new Cloud Backups seem to get my new progress. It's like new backups can't replace the old ones, or something like that. So it seems like the issues are limited to the way the Quest restores the cloud backup data.
Are any engineers from Meta able to take a look at this? My app is probably not the only one affected.
Will my app get hidden in searches, given that I have an outstanding VRC?