Downloaded the Oculus Integration package, and tested the hand prefabs in the default scene with the recommended quality settings. However, the hands still seem to be a little shaky compared to released Unity apps I've tried and the main Oculus environment. Anyone know how to fix this?
Partial Solution: I tried parenting the custom hands to the anchors of the CameraRig (instead of using the scripts) and that resolved the hand lag for me in the custom hands scene (running at 70FPS).
However, in my asset heavy scene (50-60FPS) there was still hand lag. So I started to whittle away at the assets to see if any particular one caused some sort of render slow down. I removed everything, but 1 of the main interactive objects and the slowdown occurred ONLY when it was in view, otherwise the hands ran smooth. On the MeshRenderer, I disabled the probes (light/reflection), and this resolved the hand lag completely.
Update 10-25-19: I received messages about this and wanted to share another update. I don't think the blend probes was completely accurate since adding in more assets I faced the hand lag problem again.
Real-time Lighting: I found that real-time light sources could be a problem, so turning these off fixed the problem in scenes with not as many assets. However, this is not ideal for asset-heavy scenes where the lighting needs to be more dynamic, like turning on a light switch. Below are some more things I've tested.
Other Tests: 1. When monoscopic mode is set for the OVR Manager the problem goes away without turning off the the real time lights. (This option isn't ideal though since the camera drastically changes)
2. Oculus recommends Forward Rendering Path, but selecting "Legacy Vertex Lit" also got rid of the hand lag without turning off the real-time lights. Also, not super ideal.
3. I'm using Unity 2019.2.8f1, but I also tried the Oculus recommended Unity versions which did not fix the problem.
I realized the problem was a combination of real-time lighting with the solution being lighting/shader optimization. I don't consider myself a Unity lighting expert, so there are probably other optimizations, but I just used baked lighting when I could, got rid of some real-time lights, and for other objects used Mobile and Oculus shaders. It took some experimenting to get right.
For anyone who might find a Youtube video on this useful...
I've also detailed a step-by-step method which worked for me, at getting rid of the jittering/stuttering hands issue. My user privileges won't allow me to post the link in forum but its on youtube as "Oculus Unity Custom Hands Jitter Stutter SOLVED" or head to the Youtube address in screenshot below.