01-23-2024 02:16 AM - edited 01-23-2024 02:17 AM
Hi! I need to know what exactly element hovered on canvase. I listen WhenStateChanged of RayInteractor but Interactor in the field Interactable alwase has canvas. And how to understand what button or slider hovered now i don't know.
Also i tried use PointableCanvasModule.WhenSelectableHovered but in this case i can't determine what exact RayInteractor (left or right) hovers.
Can you help me find solution how to determine canvase object and what controller hover it?
08-29-2024 12:07 AM
Hi, I have a similar need.
Did you ever find out how to check which controller (left/right) did the hovering?
08-29-2024 04:56 AM
i have not found solution
09-05-2024 12:05 AM
After some digging I did find a solution that worked well enough for my use-case.
Script goes on UI element you want to check.
Now, since we are checking "likelyness" it is not 100%, but to be honest I did some fine controller gymnastics and really tried to invoke a faulty response, but it has never failed for me so far. Though I really wish I knew a more explicit way to get this info.
In addition, you wanted to know which UI element it had hit, well if you attach this script to the UI gameobject that solves that problem as you could check the name of that with just Debug.Log($"Gameobject name is: {name}").
Though I believe PointerEventData includes that info, don't remember exactly where, but could be:
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
RayInteractor[] rayInteractors = FindObjectsOfType<RayInteractor>();
float leftCollisionToPointerDistance = -1;
float rightCollisionToPointerDistance = -1;
foreach (RayInteractor rayInteractor in rayInteractors)
Controller controller = rayInteractor.GetComponentInParent<Controller>();
if (controller != null)
if (rayInteractor.CollisionInfo.HasValue)
if (controller.Handedness == Handedness.Left)
leftCollisionToPointerDistance = Vector3.Distance(rayInteractor.CollisionInfo.Value.Point, eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition);
else if (controller.Handedness == Handedness.Right)
rightCollisionToPointerDistance = Vector3.Distance(rayInteractor.CollisionInfo.Value.Point, eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition);
ClosestEventHand(leftCollisionToPointerDistance, rightCollisionToPointerDistance);
catch (Exception exc)
private void ClosestEventHand(float leftDistance, float rightDistance)
if (leftDistance > 0 && (rightDistance == -1 || leftDistance < rightDistance))
Debug.Log("Most likely hand is LEFT");
} else if (rightDistance > 0 && (leftDistance == -1 || rightDistance < leftDistance))
Debug.Log("Most likely hand is RIGHT");
} else
Debug.Log("Event did not come from controller");