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DllNotFoundException: LibOVRPlatform64_1

Honored Guest


so ive been having this problem for awhile now and haven't been able to fix it. whenever i use Core.AsyncInitialize() or Core.Initialize(), it throws the DllNotFoundException error.Screenshot_78.pngScreenshot_79.png


I have the same issue.
i saw that the dll was inside the C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime

directory where the oculus home app lives.
So i tried adding it to the csproj and to unity by dragging it in the plugins folder but still didnt work
i even tried to regsvr32 LibOVRPlatform64_1.dll

but that didnt work

i found the answer here


Hello again guys,

I think I found a solution, it was driving me crazy. 
Please follow the steps below: 
1. Close Unity and Oculus app and also disconnect VR headset.
2. Reopen the project Unity project
3. Click play (without having connected the VR headset or open the Oculus app), you should not see any error in the console, if you see it, repeat 1, 2, 3.
4. Exit play mode
5. Open Oculus app, connect the headset and in the VR headset relaunch Oculus Link, wait until Oculus Link is fully charged.
6. Click play in Unity, normally you shouldn't have any errors and everything should work.
I have no idea why it works or how it works, but it works, I guess somehow unity loads the .dll the first time correctly.
If anyone knows why it works, I'd love to know. "