I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place to post feature requests? I just wanted to raise the idea that Oculus could modularise its Unity integration asset and distribute the integration as packages instead of via the Asset Store.
I never really trust what will happen when importing an update to the oculus integration asset over the top of an older version and so I always first manually delete the old version to make sure I have a clean import of the new version instead of a mish-mash, pile of old and new files. This is one of the things that the package manager solves.
There are a number of (large) orthogonal components within the integration asset that not everyone needs all the time. It seems like it could be well suited to being modularised, and integration with Unity's package manager would make it easier to only install the needed components and keep them up to date with clear versioning.
In my situation I'm using a single Unity project to maintain a mobile application and a VR application where I share a lot of code and prefabs between the two which would be difficult if the project were split up. In general this is straightforward and I have a menu option for switching between VR or mobile application development that can simply add/remove some of the VR integration packages that aren't applicable for the mobile application. What's awkward here though is handling the Oculus integration asset where I have fiddly/fragile code to delete/copy the contents of Assets/Oculus when switching between mobile/VR which is essentially replicating package management functionality.
I did once experiment with whether the asset could in fact be imported as a package and it seemed like it nearly worked but at the time (probably tested about a year ago) I hit some complexity with the way it supports updating the Spatializer plugin due to assumptions about the location of the asset that would be broken. In general I think it would probably be fairly easy for Oculus to enable support (it'd probably also be possible to support it in a backwards compatible way so the same asset could alternatively be installed as a package if developers chose to) but it's a lot less practical for third parties to maintain patches that would need updating for each release of the asset.
Anyway just wanted to share some food for thought,