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GearVR back button disabled after returning from global menu

Honored Guest
I'm having trouble implementing the proper back button functionality.. I'm detecting the long press similar to how it's set up in the sample SDK file, and it goes to the OVR Platform Global Menu correctly, but after it returns the back button is disabled the first time you press it.

I tried just logging


in Update and it doesn't log anything until I press/release the back button once. After that it works like it should again.

I also have the single press back button going out to the PlatformUIConfirmQuit screen, and if you return from that the back button works fine, it's just on return from the Global Menu it's disabled until you click it once.

thanks for any insight!

Honored Guest
I had the same problem with implementing back button on 5.3.0f4.
I tested today on 5.3.1f1 and it works.

Honored Guest
Unity 5.5.03f.Oculus utilities 1.10.0.
whole new scene.added a OVRPlatform Menu script to gameobject.
when i go to Global menu and then press back -> it takes me to Confirm Quit menu.but should go to my app
does anybody knows how to fix it?