So I've setup OVR 0.4.1 in my unity project and I get this grey rectangle in the middle of my view when I press PLAY. Everything works but I can't see much because of this big grey rectangle... I've attached an image of it. It happened in another game of mine and then disappeared after I'd deleted the OVRMainMenu script and put it back it. But now this just won't go away in this game.
This appears to be a race condition with some legacy latency tester code we have in the SDK. So far, we have only repro'd this on OS X when an HMD is not plugged in. If you're seeing this issue outside of that setup, please let us know here.
It may not be ideal, especially with a laptop, but leaving your HMD plugged in should be a temporary workaround.
I am having the gray rectangle problem in the editor. I also have no positional tracking. When I hit Play the OVRMainMenu script flashes the no device message. This occurs whether or not the Rift's USB is plugged in, and the quality settings don't change anything.
However, when I build out to an .app, it works fine. There's no rectangle, the device is found, and everything works swimmingly.
I have yet to try with a fresh project or go through any other tests, I'll post if that resolves anything.
Specs: Unity 4.5.1f3 DK2 SDK 0.4.1 Firmware: 2.10 Macbook Pro Mac OS X 10.9.2 2.3 GHz Intel i7 16GB DDR3 ram