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Hand Pose Detection: FingerFeatureStateProvider in FingerFeatureSkeletalDebugVisual not set.

Honored Guest

I am experimenting with the Oculus Integration Package and noticed, that when I want to use FingerFeatureSkeletalDebugVisual to visualize if I do HandPoses correctly, the _fingerFeatureStateProvider field is not set. Currently it is exposed to the inspector using [SerializeField] however since this object is created at runtime, the field never gets set. Therefore, I exposed the FingerFeatureStateProvider in the ShapeRecognizerActiveState-class (protected -> public) and injected it along other parameters in FingerFeatureStateProvider 's Initialize() method (which is called in HandShapeSkeletalDebugVisual). Everything seems to be working, however, this issue seems to be unintended behaviour on Oculus Integration's side. If not, please tell me where I did a mistake.