05-11-2020 09:02 AM
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public static class EditorOVRCrashCatcher
private const bool DestroyRig = true;
private const bool DestroyAvatar = true;
// register an event handler when the class is initialized
static EditorOVRCrashCatcher()
AssemblyReloadEvents.beforeAssemblyReload += DestroyOVR;
private static void DestroyOVR()
if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
//Debug.Log("Before Assembly Reload");
GameObject rig = Object.FindObjectOfType<OVRCameraRig>()?.transform.root.gameObject;
GameObject avatar = Object.FindObjectOfType<OvrAvatarSDKManager>()?.gameObject;
if (DestroyRig && rig)
Debug.Log("Destroying OVR Instance");
if (DestroyAvatar && avatar)
Debug.Log("Destroying OVR Instance");
Object.Destroy(avatar); //Throws errors once ovr is destroyed.
//Haven't figured out a way to restart play mode so I'll just stop here.