i made a punching bag game. and it works to some extent. But with oculus touch if i punch closer my avatar hand can go through the bag. I put RIgidbody and sphere colliders on the avatar hands. Setting the mass of the bag to something high doesn't do anything. If the hand penetrates the bag , the bag goes swinging like crazy , fast and far.
I would like the hands to never penetrate the bag but instead just collide with the outside. Just experimenting i noticed setting a high mass to the bag didn't help at all so i just tried setting the bag's mass to 1 and the hands rigidbody mass to 0.03. Doesn't really work.
The avatar hands are meant to match the real-world position of the player's hands, which is of course not affected by the virtual punching bag. If you want virtual hands to appear in a different location than the player's real hands, it will be more complicated than just adjusting physics properties. Right now, the avatar system does not support rendering the hands in arbitrary positions, but I'm hoping that feature will be added a some point. Then you could make the hands appear wherever you wanted while still using the avatar system.
The avatar hands are meant to match the real-world position of the player's hands, which is of course not affected by the virtual punching bag. If you want virtual hands to appear in a different location than the player's real hands, it will be more complicated than just adjusting physics properties. Right now, the avatar system does not support rendering the hands in arbitrary positions, but I'm hoping that feature will be added a some point. Then you could make the hands appear wherever you wanted while still using the avatar system.