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How to get users dominant hand. gear vr and go.

Honored Guest
Building an app and this is my last step. Ive spent hours trying to figure this out and cant seem to get it to work.  I've looked at oculus documentation, blogs, forums and cant seem to find a solution.  Just trying to find out how to switch controller from right hand to left hand depending on what the user selects in oculus settings.  If someone can guide me I would be very appreciative. 

Honored Guest
Never Mind i Figured it out.  It was silly mistake with Tracked Remote

Honored Guest
Ok So now that I have the R tracked controller and L tracked Controller setup.  When I build my app my right hand works with everything(oculus event System, Ovr Gaze pointer) but if I change my oculus settings to left handed. I can see the tracked controller on the left but the gaze pointer or any scripts related to the controller wont work.  Anyone have any input why? or possible solutions.

Honored Guest
Anybody have any input?  All i want is the the ovrgazepointer and event system to work on L tracked or R tracked. It will only work with one remote because the script only take one cursor input and only one ray transform and i need the controller to be ray transorm

Honored Guest
figured it out for now by writing a script that replaces the ray transform with watever controller is tracked.  Im sure there is an easier way that im just not getting.