I'm using OVRAvatar to generate my hands/controllers. Since these are dynamically generated, I'm having trouble finding the references to the specific sub-component meshes (e.g., the A button, the left stick, the right trigger, etc) so I can light them up as needed.
I think I figured out the confusion. As MikeF says, OVRAvatar by itself doesn't have individual mesh components, so there's no easy way to make specific buttons flash. I assumed that was possible because my scene hierarchy included those sub-meshes, which are easy to color, but impossible to reference via OVRAvatar.
Here's my setup: my original LocalAvatar prefab came from SampleScenes/Hands/CustomControllers which includes modifiable prefabs for the left and right controller. Then I added OVRAvatar to the scene, and never guessed I actually had two pair of controllers running in the scene (the custom controller and the OVRAvatar dynamically generated one).
Fortunately, this also yields some simple workarounds for my original question until Oculus provides a simpler way to highlight the buttons. Option 1: just use custom controllers the entire time and do exactly what you want. Option 2: When you want to highlight buttons (like during a tutorial), just hide the default Avatar controller and show your custom controller.
To be more clear, I'm looking for a reference to the SkinnedMeshRenderer component of something like "lctrl:x_button_PLY" which is a child of the dynamically instantiated controller prefab
I can do this by brute force assignments post instantiation, but I was hoping for a more elegant script reference to the same object so I can just swap materials
I think I figured out the confusion. As MikeF says, OVRAvatar by itself doesn't have individual mesh components, so there's no easy way to make specific buttons flash. I assumed that was possible because my scene hierarchy included those sub-meshes, which are easy to color, but impossible to reference via OVRAvatar.
Here's my setup: my original LocalAvatar prefab came from SampleScenes/Hands/CustomControllers which includes modifiable prefabs for the left and right controller. Then I added OVRAvatar to the scene, and never guessed I actually had two pair of controllers running in the scene (the custom controller and the OVRAvatar dynamically generated one).
Fortunately, this also yields some simple workarounds for my original question until Oculus provides a simpler way to highlight the buttons. Option 1: just use custom controllers the entire time and do exactly what you want. Option 2: When you want to highlight buttons (like during a tutorial), just hide the default Avatar controller and show your custom controller.