11-19-2024 05:42 PM
Has anyone here gotten the Meta Avatars 2.0 multiplayer Building Block to work in Unity 6? I have tried both the Unity multiplayer and Fusion version in fresh projects and neither spawns the local and remote avatars like it does in Unity 2022 as seen in this video from Valem (https://youtu.be/FwC81qCi-Oc?si=jdUu9RB-MVv3UINm&t=854). I remember trying this exact tutorial in March of this year myself in 2022.3.10f1 and it worked as simple as this video shows it, but in Unity 6 nothing happens when you hit play.
I have tried to create my own code with Fusion and have made some progress, but OMG the amount of deprecated everything, from Meta to Unity to Photon is absolutely insane right now and I am beginning to wonder if there is something fundamentally wrong that needs either Meta or Unity to patch first?
Would love to know if you have the 2.0 avatars networked at all in Unity 6 by any means not just the Building Blocks?