05-26-2022 09:39 AM
Dear Devs,
I'm struggling with problem since a week. I use PUN 2 and Photon Voice to bring Meta Avatars 2 in a multiplayer environment.
Below are my issues,
1. When there is no Photon Voice setup in the scene, the Meta Avatars lipsync works perfect in the Photon multiplayer room.
2. When I add the Photon Voice to the prefab and setup the scene with Photon Voice Network, only the voice is there the Meta Avatars lipsync does not work.
I understand there is a race condition happening between these two plugins.
Please kindly help me resolve if anyone has already resolved such problem. This thread can help other devs as well in the future.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-08-2023 07:29 AM
Dear Developers,
I've found a proper fix for this issue. I've explained it in my blog that might help you.
Please check this blog: https://medium.com/@vivekrajagopal_84414/meta-avatars-2-and-photon-unity-voice-issue-lipsync-pun-voi...
01-08-2023 07:30 AM
Dear Developers,
Hi, I've found a proper fix for this issue. I've explained it in my blog that might help you.
Please check this blog: https://medium.com/@vivekrajagopal_84414/meta-avatars-2-and-photon-unity-voice-issue-lipsync-pun-voi...
09-19-2022 11:23 PM
Sorry, I couldn't find a workaround either, so I ended up disabling lip-sync. Ideally there would be a checkbox on the avatar system to allow PUN to also access the microphone.
10-03-2022 11:59 AM - edited 11-02-2022 12:40 PM
I found a solution to this:
The Problem:
The scripts UnityMicrophone(by Photon) and LipSyncMicInput(part of the avatars 2 sdk) both contain this line
Microphone.Start(deviceName, looping, audioClipLength, samplingRate).
This method creates a new audio clip which gets filled with the input from your microphone. This causes the following situation:
In summary, the audio clip which LipSyncMicInput or Photon.Recorder is using will be useless as soon as one of them calls Microphone.Start().
My Solution:
For help creating a custom input source for the Photon Recorder I recommend just googling it.
Here's the script I used to replace LipSyncMicInput, GGMicrophone is my central microphone object.
public class RuntimeAudioClipUpdater : MonoBehaviour
AudioSource audioSource;
private void Start()
audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
void Update()
if (audioSource != null)
AudioClip clip = audioSource.clip;
AudioClip referenceClip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
int referenceClipId = referenceClip.GetInstanceID();
if (clip != null)
int currentClipId = clip.GetInstanceID();
if (currentClipId != referenceClipId)
audioSource.clip = referenceClip;
audioSource.clip = referenceClip;
audioSource.timeSamples = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetPosition();
11-01-2022 08:52 PM
11-02-2022 12:34 PM
Sure, which part would you like me to share? The Central Microphone, the custom photon recorder input or the lips sync clip updater?
11-02-2022 01:00 PM
11-03-2022 05:58 AM - edited 11-03-2022 05:59 AM
This is the script for my custom Photon Recorder Input. I basically just copied Photon's MicrophoneWrapper except, as you can see, instead of calling Microphone.Start() I instead fetch the audio clip from my central microphone with GGMicrophone.GetMicrophoneAudioClip(). 'GG' is just a marker for classes that my company writes.
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Voice;
public class GGMicrophoneInputForPhoton : IAudioReader<float>
public GGMicrophoneInputForPhoton()
public int SamplingRate
AudioClip clip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
return clip.frequency;
public int Channels
AudioClip clip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
return clip.channels;
public string Error { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
private int micPrevPos;
private int micLoopCnt;
private int readAbsPos;
public bool Read(float[] buffer)
if (Error != null)
return false;
int micPos = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetPosition();
// loop detection
if (micPos < micPrevPos)
micPrevPos = micPos;
AudioClip clip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
var micAbsPos = micLoopCnt * clip.samples + micPos;
if (clip.channels == 0)
Error = "Number of channels is 0 in Read()";
//logger.LogError("[PV] MicWrapper: " + Error);
return false;
var bufferSamplesCount = buffer.Length / clip.channels;
var nextReadPos = this.readAbsPos + bufferSamplesCount;
if (nextReadPos < micAbsPos)
clip.GetData(buffer, this.readAbsPos % clip.samples);
this.readAbsPos = nextReadPos;
return true;
return false;
To initialise the custom input I use this very simple script:
using GGChassis.GGAvatars;
using Oculus.Platform;
using Photon.Pun;
using Photon.Voice.PUN;
using Photon.Voice.Unity;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class GGMicrophoneInputForPhotonInitializer : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
Recorder recorder = PhotonVoiceNetwork.Instance.PrimaryRecorder;
if (recorder != null)
recorder.SourceType = Recorder.InputSourceType.Factory;
recorder.InputFactory = () => new GGMicrophoneInputForPhoton();
Debug.LogError("Could not set recorder's input source type because no recorder was found.");
And here is my central microphone script:
public class GGMicrophone : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] AudioClip m_audioClip;
[Tooltip("Enable to see the Mic Input Volume")][SerializeField] bool m_debugMicrophone = true;
[Range(0f, 1f)] [SerializeField] float m_micInputVolume = 0f;
[Range(0, 1000000)] [SerializeField] int m_microphonePosition;
[SerializeField] int m_audioClipId;
[SerializeField] float m_microphoneSensitivity = 50f;
[SerializeField] float m_threshold = 0.1f;
int m_samplingRate = 48000;
int m_sampleWindow = 64;
int m_audioClipLength = 1;
static private GGMicrophone m_instance;
static public GGMicrophone Instance
return m_instance;
private void Awake()
if (m_instance == null)
m_instance = this;
[ContextMenu("Start Microphone")]
public void StartMicrophone()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
m_audioClip = Microphone.Start(microphoneName, true, m_audioClipLength, m_samplingRate);
string clipId = m_audioClip.GetInstanceID().ToString();
m_audioClip.name = "GGMicAudioClip_" + clipId;
[ContextMenu("Stop Microphone")]
public void StopMicrophone()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
public bool IsRecording()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
return Microphone.IsRecording(microphoneName);
public int GetPosition()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
return Microphone.GetPosition(microphoneName);
public string GetMicrophoneDeviceName()
return Microphone.devices[0];
public AudioClip GetMicrophoneAudioClip()
return m_audioClip;
private void Start()
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
private void Update()
if (m_debugMicrophone == true)
if ((m_audioClip != null))
float micInputVolume = GetVolumeFromMicrophone() * m_microphoneSensitivity;
if (micInputVolume < m_threshold)
micInputVolume = 0;
m_micInputVolume = micInputVolume;
m_audioClipId = m_audioClip.GetInstanceID();
m_microphonePosition = GetPosition();
public float GetVolumeFromMicrophone()
return GetVolumeFromAudioClip(Microphone.GetPosition(Microphone.devices[0]), m_audioClip);
float GetVolumeFromAudioClip(int clipPosition, AudioClip audioClip)
if (clipPosition - m_sampleWindow < 0)
return 0;
float[] data = new float[m_sampleWindow];
audioClip.GetData(data, clipPosition - m_sampleWindow);
float totalVolume = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
totalVolume += Mathf.Abs(data[i]);
float averageVolume = totalVolume / m_sampleWindow;
return averageVolume;
public void EnableMicrophoneDebugger(bool enabled)
m_debugMicrophone = enabled;
public void UpdateAudioClipLength(float clipLength)
m_audioClipLength = (int)clipLength;
public void SetSamplingRate(int samplingRate)
m_samplingRate = samplingRate;
11-03-2022 01:21 PM
Here's my custom photon recorder input. I basically copied it off Photon's MicWrapper script except instead of calling Microphone.Start(), which steals the mic input from the lip sync, I simply get the audio clip from my central microphone with the call GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip()
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Voice;
public class GGMicrophoneInputForPhoton : IAudioReader<float>
public GGMicrophoneInputForPhoton()
public int SamplingRate
AudioClip clip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
return clip.frequency;
public int Channels
AudioClip clip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
return clip.channels;
public string Error { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
private int micPrevPos;
private int micLoopCnt;
private int readAbsPos;
public bool Read(float[] buffer)
if (Error != null)
return false;
int micPos = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetPosition();
// loop detection
if (micPos < micPrevPos)
micPrevPos = micPos;
AudioClip clip = GGMicrophone.Instance.GetMicrophoneAudioClip();
var micAbsPos = micLoopCnt * clip.samples + micPos;
if (clip.channels == 0)
Error = "Number of channels is 0 in Read()";
//logger.LogError("[PV] MicWrapper: " + Error);
return false;
var bufferSamplesCount = buffer.Length / clip.channels;
var nextReadPos = this.readAbsPos + bufferSamplesCount;
if (nextReadPos < micAbsPos)
clip.GetData(buffer, this.readAbsPos % clip.samples);
this.readAbsPos = nextReadPos;
return true;
return false;
To initialise this custom input I simply pop this script on a GameObject in my scene:
public class GGMicrophoneInputForPhotonInitializer : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
Recorder recorder = PhotonVoiceNetwork.Instance.PrimaryRecorder;
if (recorder != null)
recorder.SourceType = Recorder.InputSourceType.Factory;
recorder.InputFactory = () => new GGMicrophoneInputForPhoton();
Debug.LogError("Could not set recorder's input source type because no recorder was found.");
And here is my central Microphone:
public class GGMicrophone : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] AudioClip m_audioClip;
[Tooltip("Enable to see the Mic Input Volume")][SerializeField] bool m_debugMicrophone = true;
[Range(0f, 1f)] [SerializeField] float m_micInputVolume = 0f;
[Range(0, 1000000)] [SerializeField] int m_microphonePosition;
[SerializeField] int m_audioClipId;
[SerializeField] float m_microphoneSensitivity = 50f;
[SerializeField] float m_threshold = 0.1f;
int m_samplingRate = 16000;
int m_sampleWindow = 64;
int m_audioClipLength = 1;
static private GGMicrophone m_instance;
static public GGMicrophone Instance
return m_instance;
private void Awake()
if (m_instance == null)
m_instance = this;
[ContextMenu("Start Microphone")]
public void StartMicrophone()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
m_audioClip = Microphone.Start(microphoneName, true, m_audioClipLength, m_samplingRate);
string clipId = m_audioClip.GetInstanceID().ToString();
m_audioClip.name = "GGMicAudioClip_" + clipId;
[ContextMenu("Stop Microphone")]
public void StopMicrophone()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
public bool IsRecording()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
return Microphone.IsRecording(microphoneName);
public int GetPosition()
string microphoneName = GetMicrophoneDeviceName();
return Microphone.GetPosition(microphoneName);
public string GetMicrophoneDeviceName()
return Microphone.devices[0];
public AudioClip GetMicrophoneAudioClip()
return m_audioClip;
private void Start()
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
private void Update()
if (m_debugMicrophone == true)
if ((m_audioClip != null))
float micInputVolume = GetVolumeFromMicrophone() * m_microphoneSensitivity;
if (micInputVolume < m_threshold)
micInputVolume = 0;
m_micInputVolume = micInputVolume;
m_audioClipId = m_audioClip.GetInstanceID();
m_microphonePosition = GetPosition();
public float GetVolumeFromMicrophone()
return GetVolumeFromAudioClip(Microphone.GetPosition(Microphone.devices[0]), m_audioClip);
float GetVolumeFromAudioClip(int clipPosition, AudioClip audioClip)
if (clipPosition - m_sampleWindow < 0)
return 0;
float[] data = new float[m_sampleWindow];
audioClip.GetData(data, clipPosition - m_sampleWindow);
float totalVolume = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
totalVolume += Mathf.Abs(data[i]);
float averageVolume = totalVolume / m_sampleWindow;
return averageVolume;
public void EnableMicrophoneDebugger(bool enabled)
m_debugMicrophone = enabled;
public void UpdateAudioClipLength(float clipLength)
m_audioClipLength = (int)clipLength;
public void SetSamplingRate(int samplingRate)
m_samplingRate = samplingRate;
11-03-2022 01:45 PM
Thank you so much!
12-27-2022 09:12 AM
Hi olaysia, thanks so much for the information! This has really helped my project. Would you also be able to share the lip sync clip updater? I am not able to get mine to work properly.