10-23-2024 10:59 AM
This page describes how to open the avatar editor in v29. It wants me to do run
As shown in the example file 'Avatar2/Example/Common/Scripts/OpenAvatarEditor.cs'
But for me that file just doesn't exist. I have the v29 avatars integrated. They are visible in the editor, visible in the build and using the avatar from my headset. I even have all the sample scenes available. But I have no file called OpenAvatarEditor in either assets or packages. AvatarEditorDeeplink doesn't exist in my current context so I can't call LaunchAvatarEditor. Where are these files that I am missing for some reason???
This code below opens the old avatar menu in the app, but how to open the new one?
if (OvrPlatformInit.status != OvrPlatformInitStatus.Succeeded)
Debug.LogError("OvrPlatform not initialized, cannot open avatar menu.");
AvatarEditorOptions options = new AvatarEditorOptions();
var result = new Request<Oculus.Platform.Models.AvatarEditorResult>(Oculus.Platform.CAPI.ovr_Avatar_LaunchAvatarEditor((IntPtr)options));