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Meta XR simulator's UI doesn't show up

Honored Guest

I am currently using the latest meta SDK package 68.0.  My Unity editor's version is 2022.3.49. I have finished most of the setup excepting really connect my unity with a VR headset I try to run my XR simulator inside my unity editor but the only thing showed up is the Synthetic environmentServer with a default room image (no UI, no controller just static image). I have finished most of the setup following the official documentation excepting really connect my unity with a VR headset. Is this the problem why I can not open it?? Pls help me 🙏 tks yall


Honored Guest

Same problem.

Unity editor's version 2022.3.48f1, meta SDK package 69.0 and Oculus XR plugin. 

Did you find a solution?