09-24-2023 02:55 AM
I am trying to set up a Ready Player Me avatar in Unity with Oculus lip sync to animate mouth movement. I have multiple audio sources for multiple audio clips because I want to be able to manually cycle through the audio clips one after another using the keyboard. However, 'OVR Lip Sync Context' seems to only work on one audio source whether I try to hold the audio sources on multiple game objects or the same one. I tried adding an 'OVR Lip Sync Context' script for each audio source but again only the first one will work (any audio sources after the first will play the audio with no animation). Does anybody know a way around this?
01-11-2024 02:04 AM
I managed to solve this by toggling on and off the rest of the audio objects (the first one will always work with lip sync)
02-05-2024 06:27 AM
How did you do exactly? I'm struggling to do it in a a script, I thought that something like this would suffice:
context.audioSource = audioSource2;
but no lip sync is generated