01-21-2019 03:15 PM
05-13-2019 06:29 AM
06-18-2019 01:09 PM
07-09-2019 01:42 AM
treehousenorris said:
I'm not sure about OVROverlay, but this could be useful for sanity checks:
Set your canvas's Render Mode to World Space and Event Camera to CenterEyeAnchor.
Swap out the canvas's Graphic Raycaster script component for the OVR Raycaster script component.
Drag and drop your scene's UIHelpers > LaserPointer game object into the OVR Raycaster script's Pointer variable.
Set the scene's LaserPointer's LineRenderer component as active.
Note your UIHelpers > Event System's OVRInputModule script component's Joy Pad Click Button selection. "One" was my Touch controller's right hand A button and "Primary Index Trigger" was my left hand indexTrigger (despite right handed laser).
Play your game, aim the laser at your UI button (hovering vs not should slightly tint), and press your chosen analog controller button (should flash the UI button's color and call its onclick function(s)).
How can i switch the uihelper laserpointer to the lefthand controller?
03-24-2021 09:41 PM
I've tried checking but unfortunately, it still doesn't work. Do you know other possible ways of interacting with OVROverlay?