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Oculus Store - Changes Requested / Very Frustrated Developer. HELP!


We have just gone through a second submission process to the
oculus store and keep getting change request for the following graphics failed


Your app does not have VR and Windows focus. A variety of
the following elements might not be working as intended: 1) music/sound play,
2) user input not working, 3) not rendering at 90hz and/or 4) we did not see
hour glass loading except during startup or loading screens. The game does not
render in VR. Instead, it launches on the PC monitor like a normal PC game.


This game was designed in Unity Pro 5.3.6jp2 using native VR
support checked in the build. The game plays flawlessly on 7 different
developers accounts launched from oculus home. 
We have absolutely no clue why the test report says "  The game does not render in VR. Instead, it
launches on the PC monitor like a normal PC game" Virtual Reality support
is checked in the unity build process so that is not even an option. Did the
test staff not even bother putting on a headset and looking around to see its
being Rendered in VR?  By default, a
mirrored output of what's seen in the headset is shown on the monitor with
native oculus support in unity builds. 
We have another port of the game designed for the HTC Vive that will be
coming out that has had zero issues with approval unlike oculus who gives
generic explanations for issues they perceive. HELP!