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OpenXR Hand Skeletons


Looking at the current Unity hand tracking docs: 

It mentions the OpenXR hand skeleton can be selected in the OVR Manager instead of the OVR hand skeleton (since version 71 of the Core SDK). I can't seen to find this setting in Unity, and the asset store version of the Meta Core SDK is only up to v69.0.0, just wondering if there is something I am missing, is this something I can access now, or is this a coming soon feature?

Is there perhaps a beta channel for the Core SDK?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there,


Thanks for posting into our forum. We can see you're having some trouble with OpenXR, and we want to point you in the direction to get more support! You can check out our Horizon Developer Support page and this will give you a ton of resources and information that will be useful for you. You can also get in touch with the support team if you are really stuck with your problem!


Have a great day!


Thank you for the reply, however the document I originally linked to is indeed part of the Horizon Developer Support documentation.


Hi edekker,

I don't think you're missing anything; the documentation is just referring to a version that isn't available yet. There is a public test channel you can join, but I don't know of a way to get early versions of Unity Asset Store packages. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but hope this at least adds a little clarity.