11-30-2023 09:17 AM
Is it possible to have both Unitys OpenXR-plugin, Oculus OpenXR Plugin and Oculus XR Plugin in the same project somehow? Would like to use default OpenXR for hand-tracking (so it's easier to port to other XR compatible headsets), and then add Oculus XR-plugins features as a progressive enhancement.
Ex using Unity XR Hands: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.hands@1.1/manual/index.html
And Meta Depth API as an enhancement for Quest headsets: https://github.com/oculus-samples/Unity-DepthAPI
Currently they seems to not be compatible, or am I'm missing something?
08-30-2024 06:44 AM
Hi, so did you find a decision? I'm trying to mix the (Depth API example) OVR Rig with the XR Rig, looks like it should be possible, but of course it will be better to achieve the depth working with XR somehow ...
09-24-2024 10:08 AM
I would also love to have deph api in the OpenXR plugin directly, instead of having to use the OculusXR plugin!
09-24-2024 09:33 PM
I've mixed OVR Rig (taken camera with passthrough settings) with XR Rig and got somehow stable working DepthApi with XR controllers (even working with XR Simulator), but hands are not working, and project checking shows: "It's not recommended to install Oculus XR Plugin and Open XR Plugin at the same time...". But after trying more and more I got once hands mesh shown, but not stable, probably some scripts conflicts I don't know...
09-25-2024 07:57 AM
Found this relevant but unhelpful issue on their github
porting is allegedly ongoing but with no timeline for this feature in particular
09-25-2024 08:23 AM
Aha, aha, so that will take a time... and here someone is trying to find a workaround: https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Quest-Development/Can-you-use-the-Depth-API-without-using-OVRC...