07-04-2024 06:22 AM
I developed a game in 2022 using Unity 2021.3.11f1 and the oculus SDK.
I recently started to continue work and wanted to update everything to the latest versions so I'm now working with Unity 2022.3.35f1 and the new Meta XR SDK (the all in one package version 66.0.0).
I have managed to fix all gameplay aspects to use the new prefabs and such from the new SDK. However, I have some post processing effects in the game that only work when playing in the editor (Using Meta Quest Link). As soon as I build an apk and play in standalone, the effects get all messed up.
Here is how it looks in the editor (how it is supposed to look):
View when playing in the editor. Grain and green tint PPEffects work as expected.
And here is how it looks when playing standalone (Quest 2):
Messed up PPEffects
I have played with different rendering settings but had no success so far, and to be honest I don't have a deep enough understanding of rendering pipelines and shaders to even have a clue as to what the problem could be. Here are my current settings:
plugin settings
player settings
ovr settings
Any help is appreciated as I'm very frustrated atm.
07-04-2024 02:13 PM
Looks like you are using the built-in render pipeline(?) which doesn't not include a post-processing solution by default. Have you downloaded the post processing version 2 package.
The other obvious one is making sure that you have checked post processing on your camera rig under Rendering.
Also, check under Meta XR on project settings for anything you may have missed.
07-05-2024 02:27 AM
Thank you for your reply.
Yes I'm using the built-in pipeline (No render pipeline asset is selected in either the quality nor the graphics settings). I have the post processing package (com.unity.postprocessing version 3.4.0) installed. Otherwise I think I would not even have been able to add the effects in the first place.
My Camera setup (on the CenterEyeAnchor of the OVRCameraRig) looks like this:
camera and post processing layer settings
I don't think the problem is with these though, as it works correctly when playing in editor.
The settings in the project setup tool look like this:
project setup tool
I have ignored the first item because I'm not using a paid version of Unity and thus I cannot disable the splash screen (at least I could not figure out how to do it because the corresponding setting is not changeable and pressing the Apply button does nothing), but this should not influence my problem in any way.
I have ignored the second item because this one wants that I change the Stereo Rendering Mode to "Multiview" (whereas I have it on "Multi Pass" as can be seen in my original post). If I conform to this hint, then the left eye is covered in white/gray and the app crashes shortly after launch:
The result of applying "Multiview" as the Stereo Rendering Mode
This phenomenon also only occurs in standalone.
Any other help is appreciated.
07-05-2024 04:12 AM
Have you updated to the latest version of the OVRCameraRig in version 66 too? I don't know if it's because you are using the built-in renderer or not but the image with the CenterEyeAnchor looks very different to the version I have after updating...?
07-05-2024 04:49 AM
Indeed, I have taken the OVRCameraRig prefab right from the package at version 66. Here is a side by side comparison of the unedited version in a fresh clean project (right side) and my current version (left side). The only difference is the added post process layer and the altered culling mask. I'm not quite sure where the command buffers are coming from though...
current OVRRig settings (left) vs. clean OVRRig prefab (right)
07-05-2024 07:46 AM - edited 07-05-2024 07:50 AM
Have you tried removing the command buffers? They are all at 0 Bytes - it may be causing a problem somehow.
Maybe do a test with a new project with just a cube. Don't do any changes to the standard elements. If it works then add post processing and try again. Keep adding elements and rebuilding in increments until it breaks.
Beyond that I'm no good i'm afraid as I always use URP. Haven't had any problems like this.
Hopefully someone will have a better idea.