08-30-2023 06:34 PM
Assets\Oculus\Platform\Samples\RichPresenceSample\Scripts\RichPresenceSample.cs(111,13): error CS1061: 'RichPresenceOptions' does not contain a definition for 'SetApiName'
The solution is to delete the samples folder, but this is not my code so why is it broken?
Unity 2022.3.4f1
08-30-2023 07:35 PM
So I deleted the entire Oculus folder and reimported it, there were Unity notifications about deprecated APIs being used so I said upgrade and the problem still persists.
So I re imported again this to saying no to the API upgrades and now the error is this:
"Assets\Oculus\SampleFramework\Usage\TouchPro\Scripts\StylusTip\StylusTip.cs(51,29): error CS1729: 'Pose' does not contain a constructor that takes 2 arguments"
08-30-2023 07:38 PM
I have my own Pose class, all Oculus code including Samples should be inside the Oculus Namespace thanks very much!