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The Meta XR Simulator doesn't work on my computer!

Honored Guest

I am a student learner. I have Imported Meta all-in-one SDK and Meta XR Simulator in my unity project, however when I press play, it doesn't work. Here are the pictures below. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me.

屏幕截图 2024-07-07 205022.png屏幕截图 2024-07-07 205114.png屏幕截图 2024-07-07 205136.png



I am experiencing the same problem. The instructions and tutorials I see appear to "just work" but it doesn't work for me.

One thing I noticed is that we might need to be using OpenXR, but that doesn't seem to work for me either.

@cjmmsz I don't have a solution but I'm looking for one also. You can also message me on Discord at FarmerInATechStack if you'd like to get in touch.

Honored Guest

I set another project and imported the Meta XR All-in-one SDK with version 65 ,and the Simulator works

What are your configurations for XR Plugin Management? The bottom section of the docs says to use OpenXR, but other parts of the docs say to use Oculus.

Honored Guest

ardazeytin_0-1724846147253.pngKeep a always visible Game window like this in screenshot.


Honored Guest

Same problem

Honored Guest

Has somebody found a solution?
I have the same problem as @cjmmsz.
And I'm not sure what @ardazeytin answer means. Is it solution?

Honored Guest

I think that the most important things for us is Meta XR Simulator version.
It was able to start from v60.0.0 to v65.0.0 testing, but from v66.0.0, the Unity editor menu changed from "Oculus" to "Meta" and I confirmed that Meta XR Simulator would not start same as your state.
In addition even if ohter SDKs were updated to the latest version, the simulator start without any problems.