I have tried to create a very simple project where I have a Oculus with a controller and a laser pointer to interacti with certain UI Elements.
The project is setup as simple as possbile. I just imported the oculus integration, I added a OVRPlayerController Prefab and put a LocalAvatar Prefab inside of it. Then I put the UIHelper Prefab into the scene and configured it's event System with the rightHandAnchor. Lastly I added a Canvas in WorldSpace and put an EventTrigger Image on there. I have build it without the UI Helper class and it worked. But once I added the UI Helper class when I built my Project, my UI started flying upwards, aswell as my Raycast which sits on the RightHandAnchor of the OVRPlayerControler Prefab.
When I press play in the editor, everything works perfectly fine...
Anyone got any Ideas on why this might be happening ?