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Unity Crash when click on Play button

Honored Guest

I have made a simple project with plane and cube.I used integrationg settings from "ovr_mobile_sdk_0.5.0" but when i click on play button unity just crashes.It happens same with unity intergation package
I am using Unity 5.0.1f1


Honored Guest
Took me days of headaches with this. Both my laptop and desktop 32 & 64.... Until the U5 integration update comes, there is no "official" solution. Yet.

Here is how I did it:

1. Download the Unity Tuscany Demo from ver . ... 4.3.1-beta

2. Open this in U5 and allow it to convert by clicking "Yes, I have made a backup" in the dialogue window that pops up. (this may take a while depending on your system)

3. Save As new scene

4. Test the demo scene. You may notice that some materials are pink,(grassy area around the building) but don't worry about that,

5. Delete everything from out of the hierarchy except for the OVR Parent group.

6. Create a new scene & terrain. Add some basic textures and height variations.

7. Remove main camera. Test with stock FPSController *Note that there is an issue with U5 in some instances of clipping through the new height modifications, this is solved by saving the scene, however after every time you make a change to the terrain, the bug comes back until you resave* (Definitely reiterates the Save Early, Save Often paradigm)

8. Now add in OVRPlayerController prefab and remove the stock FPS. SAVE AGAIN!

9. Now press play and test again.

Hope this gets you going. I am really impressed with U5 and the new features it gives access to especially the default shader and other goodies that were pro only in 4.6. Have Fun and happy Rifting!

Honored Guest
Let me try this.... thanks OcelotClawLLC

Honored Guest
I had the same thing and turning off DX11 in the player settings stopped it from crashing. It only happens on my desktop too (Windows 7 SP1, GTX960). My laptop (Windows 8.1, Intel graphics) works fine with DX11 on.