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Unity and Oculus Go: Preview in Editor

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere. Have spent some time searching but have not found conclusive answers.

Is it possible to preview my scene in the Editor (or on the headset directly) without building and deploying an APK?

In other words is there some way to "play" my scene, use the controller, and move the camera around? Either using keyboard controls, or using a tethered headset?

Sadly, the only way to preview a Go app is either through a Rift connected to your workstation, or by writing your own emulator. It's not too much work anyway, I've been in your same situation,

thank you. I thought that might be the case, just got a bit confused by a few ambiguous posts on the subject.

I hope this is a feature that's in the pipeline. When I was orginally developing for the Daydream, this functionality was present - connected via USB or Wifi. It's such a slower workflow for the Go.

I hope this is a feature that's in the pipeline. When I was orginally developing for the Daydream, this functionality was present - connected via USB or Wifi. It's such a slower workflow for the Go.

Honored Guest
To have a preview, I use when I am on editor the GVR SDK for Unity and when I build and run I disable the "OVRCameraRig" and enable.
You just need to downoald this :
You need to create an empty gameobject "GVR".
Add to this Gameobject a camera and the prefab "GVREditorEmulator"
And you can preview in editor. You just need to active "GVR" and desactive the "OVRCameraRig" when you are in preview and the opposite when you build/run.

Hi there,
any news on this to be able to preview a scene with the go? I was able to use the go with ALVR inside the unity editor. but I dont know how I can use the oculus go controller to work in my test scene.


Update: Just got it to work with my oculus go controller in the unity preview with ALVR! I just needed to setup the controller and switch the platform to PC. YEAH!

Honored Guest
Could you tell me how to use oculus go with ALVR inside the unity editor? I have no idea how I can apply to other VR game but not SteamVR. Thank you.


Hi there,
any news on this to be able to preview a scene with the go? I was able to use the go with ALVR inside the unity editor. but I dont know how I can use the oculus go controller to work in my test scene.


Update: Just got it to work with my oculus go controller in the unity preview with ALVR! I just needed to setup the controller and switch the platform to PC. YEAH!

Hi @DannyDan2468!  I'd like to second @iloveyou99's request! How did you do it?

Honored Guest
The above doc works for emulating the HMD inside the editor, but how to get the controller emulation to work within the editor ?