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Wall on oculus

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hi. First, it says that my idea can be wrong. As a basic assumption, I think that a translucent wall is created in the room scale implemented by the Oculus sensor. I want to implement an object that moves to the object position of the collided monster and ground tag when racecast. However, it is well implemented on very close objects, but it does not apply to objects outside of the distance, especially on the surface of the wall on the oculus. If I think so, I think that the walls implemented with Oculus room scale are also caused by the collisions in the racast. To solve this, I would like to ask how to make sure that the wall space does not collide. Help..

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In addition, post the code for that content

Ray ray = new Ray(Hands[0].transform.position, Hands[0].transform.forward);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, RayLength))
if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Ground") || hit.collider.CompareTag("Monster"))
if (!Beejae_Marker[0].activeSelf)
Vector3 point = hit.point;
point.y += 0.4f;
Beejae_Marker[0].transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0);
Beejae_Marker[0].transform.position = point;


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Is the protection area conflicting in the actual Unity development environment? I wonder if the room-scale protection area conflicts and ignores the conflicts when raycast is in the direction of the Oculus Touch  


If you want to verify what you can and can't hit, instead of a Raycast.  Do a temporary test of RaycastAll.  This will return everything in the line that it hits.

But, you can set the layers on objects to IgnoreRaycast, or tell the raycast to exclude certain layers, or you can even tell it only to use a special layer.  So if you hit something you don't want to, try changing its layer tag!