07-28-2016 04:27 AM
07-29-2016 04:37 AM
07-29-2016 04:07 PM
07-29-2016 05:25 PM
07-29-2016 06:38 PM
vrdaveb said:
Unfortunately, the calibrated eye height is not reported to the app. It is only used to compute the offset from the sensor to the floor. If you want the user to feel like the floor is at the correct level, please set OVRManager.instance.trackingOriginType = TrackingOrigin.FloorLevel. If you need to use eye level tracking (e.g. because the user is seated), you will need to come up with your own way of estimating (or asking for) the user's height.
07-29-2016 07:33 PM
07-29-2016 07:50 PM
OK. I can understand this, and the reasoning.
vrdaveb said:
> Im just wondering then what unity uses in the OVR camera rig (when in floor level mode) to set the camera height.
OVRCameraRig uses your head pose when the app starts. OVRPlayerController uses a hard-coded average height value because it doesn't have access to the calibrated height (and because the calibrated height may not be correct for the current user).
> I just dont quite understand then how FloorLevel mode expects the headset to be at the right height
level tracking means that the virtual floor (y=0) should be very close
to the actual floor. If you use floor level tracking and put your
OVRCameraRig at 0,0,0, then CenterEyeAnchor.position.y will match the
player's actual eye height.
07-29-2016 07:56 PM
07-30-2016 12:09 AM
vrdaveb said:
Try making a scene with a ground plane at y = 0. Then add a plain Camera at 0,0,0. Add an OVRManager and set the tracking origin to floor level. When you run it, does the ground plane match the floor of your actual room? If not, you may need to re-run sensor setup. The way sensor setup determines the floor height is by subtracting your calibrated height from the height of your head when you press the select button during setup. If you were sitting down or slouching when that happened, it may have concluded that the floor was lower than it actually is.
07-30-2016 02:27 AM