I am working on an update for my game, but I am having performance issues causing movement to become jittery. I am using Unity 5.6.0f3. I am also testing on a s8. I have tried several optimizations to improve performance but none of it seems to matter. Here is a look at the profiler.
I am using Single pass rendering, but I read here that it can slow the GPU a bit on Qualcomm devices so I profiled without it, but that made little difference (besides increasing rendering stats) as you can see below.
I also tried using the OVRMonitor tool, but I don't know how to interpret the data. I have attached what I recorded though if anyone wants to look.
My scripts barely show up in the profiler besides a few spikes now and then. Most of the time seems to come from rendering, physics, and overhead. Like I said before I have optimized rendering a lot (I use simple shaders, not a lot of verts, render large objects last, etc). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the reply. I set the VR render scale to .5 and that didn't do anything. I made all my materials that I could use mobile/unlit, and that didn't do much. I then proceeded to disable all the objects in the scene except for the floor. This still results in spikes from GPU (although a lot less), and when there aren't any spikes, the GPU often takes ~6ms which doesn't seem right to me with such a simple scene. You can see this below:
I found this thread about bad performance on s8 devices. Can this be the cause?
I also updated to Unity 5.6.1 which is why profiler colors are different.