I have issues using the distance grab interactable script from the "Meta XR All-in-One SDK" on multiple objects that are nested. I have 6 nested objects each with a "Distance grab interactable" component, but I am only able to grab a couple of the objects. When I point to the other objects, the reticle snaps to one of its parents. I don't believe it's an issue with the colliders because even if I move an object far away from all others, it still snaps to a different object. However, if I change the object hierarchy so all objects are independent of the others (no child-parent relationship), the grab works even if the objects are very close to each other.
Is there a way to fix this? If not, do you know how to form a script so that objects which are brothers in the hierarchy can act as child-parent? Bear in mind, I must be able to move and rotate the child through the inspector as well, so the script can't lock the position/rotation.