My little Unity game crashes almost every time when running as Windows standalone build and I don't even know where to begin to look. Apparently some internals of the OVR platform goes haywire upon starting the game, probably during the platform initialization routine.
It works fine in the Unity Editor. I can provide a repro upon request.
You asked about build settings, which settings and can I easily export them to you?
The best way I can repro this is to: 1. Run the demo .exe, it should work fine the first time and run a small VR scene 2. Alt+F4 to end the demo 3. Run the .exe once more immediately after
This is probably unrelated, but I usually have Unity3D open with VR scenes loaded and actively using them with Oculus Rift. Editor is in stopped state when trying to run the Windows build though.
When I tried it just now, I had to launch the app 3 times in total for it to crash and then it crashes every time after that. It seems to get in a state where I need to close the Oculus app to recover, or possibly just wait a long time. However, when I initially reported this bug I got a different stacktrace in the error report and I recall that it did NOT help to restart the Oculus app at that time. I speculated that alt+f4 was closing the app too aggressively and started using a hotkey to trigger `Application.Quit()` from Unity script instead, but no idea if there is actually anything to that.