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Microphone bug on Meta Quest 2 and 3 when putting the headset to sleep


We’re experiencing a Microphone bug when starting the Microphone the usual way, with "Microphone.Start()".
What happens on the Quest 2 is that when we put the headset to sleep mode, by pressing the button on the side, the Microphone stops. BUT this bug is inconsistent, at least from our tests, it looks like the Microphone only stops if when coming back from sleep mode on the Quest 2, we get a popup window (like enter passcode, choose user account, etc.). If we don’t get a popup, from our tests, the microphone doesn’t stop.

We don’t like that when starting the microphone on the quest there is always a black frame. Would it be best practice to always start the Microphone when coming back from an OnApplicationPause event?

Do other people have that bug?