08-01-2024 08:07 PM - edited 08-02-2024 02:05 AM
Hey, folks! I am not exactly HLSL-inclined, is there a way to reference the depth texture produced by DepthAPI in a way similar to the Scene Depth node for Shader Graph? We are attempting to use it directly for certain shader visuals rather than just the final occlusion too.
Question is resolved! I've received a response from the DepthAPI team - the following is the Custom Function code snippet for Shader Graph:
#pragma warning (disable : 3568)
#pragma multi_compile _ HARD_OCCLUSION SOFT_OCCLUSION
#include "Packages/com.meta.xr.sdk.core/Shaders/EnvironmentDepth/URP/EnvironmentOcclusionURP.hlsl"
void GetEnvironmentSceneDepth_float(float3 posWorld, out float environmentDepth) {
const float4 depthSpace = mul(_EnvironmentDepthReprojectionMatrices[unity_StereoEyeIndex], float4(posWorld, 1.0));
const float2 uvCoords = (depthSpace.xy / depthSpace.w + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
environmentDepth = SampleEnvironmentDepthLinear(uvCoords);
environmentDepth = 0;
void GetEnvironmentSceneDepth_half(float3 posWorld, out float environmentDepth) {
const float4 depthSpace = mul(_EnvironmentDepthReprojectionMatrices[unity_StereoEyeIndex], float4(posWorld, 1.0));
const float2 uvCoords = (depthSpace.xy / depthSpace.w + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
environmentDepth = SampleEnvironmentDepthLinear(uvCoords);
environmentDepth = 0;