How do I sign an Oculus Go APK with Signature Schema v1 In Unity 2019.3?
My build setup was previously signing v1 successfully in Unity 2019.2.
Unity 2019.3 is always signing the build APK with Signature Schema v2.
Jarsigner is not an option with builds that have already been signed.
mainTemplate.gradle file does have v2SigningEnabled false and v1SigningEnabled true, this was working in Unity 2019.2. Project Settings - XR Plugin Management - Oculus - V2 Signing (Quest) is unchecked.
I upgraded the Unity Oculus Integration to v13, created a new Android Manifest via Oculus tools in Unity and edited android:required="false". <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.vr.headtracking" android:required="false" android:version="1" />
Oculus Integration v13 no longer supports Gear VR and therefore I can no longer update the Gear VR version of my game, goodbye Gear VR, it's been a good ride.
I upgraded the Unity Oculus Integration to v13, created a new Android Manifest via Oculus tools in Unity and edited android:required="false". <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.vr.headtracking" android:required="false" android:version="1" />
Oculus Integration v13 no longer supports Gear VR and therefore I can no longer update the Gear VR version of my game, goodbye Gear VR, it's been a good ride.