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libovravatar.dll not found

Honored Guest
I'm using Windows 10.
I have installed the Oculus runtime from the site and located it on "D:\Oculus".
I created a symlink in "C:\Program Files\Oculus".

I'm using Unity 2018.3.0f2 Personal, and have downloaded the Oculus Integration asset. I downloaded the Oculus standalone package, v1.3.2. When running the Oculus\Avatar\Samples\AvatarGallery scene, I get the following error:
DllNotFoundException: libovravatar
Oculus.Avatar.CAPI.ovrAvatar_SetForceASTCTextures (System.Boolean value) (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatarSDKCAPI.cs:1053)
OvrAvatarSDKManager.RequestAvatarSpecification (System.UInt64 userId, specificationCallback callback, System.Boolean useCombinedMesh, ovrAvatarAssetLevelOfDetail lod, System.Boolean forceMobileTextureFormat) (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatarSDKManager.cs:177)
OvrAvatar.Start () (at Assets/Oculus/Avatar/Scripts/OvrAvatar.cs:585)
I have read the incompatibility warning on the asset store page, but that's not what's causing the issue: I also have a second project using Unity 2018.2.17f1 Personal, but this project has an additional error:
XR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init_PathRegistryNotFound: "Installation path could not be located (110)"!

Do you have suggestions on how to fix this?


Symlink? i think you only need to have the libovravatar.dll in Unity Plugins folder.
In openvr you dont even need to have oculus installed i think.
Remember to make sure it gets copied in the final build.

Honored Guest

Symlink? i think you only need to have the libovravatar.dll in Unity Plugins folder.
In openvr you dont even need to have oculus installed i think.
Remember to make sure it gets copied in the final build.

That would be great. I'd rather not have 5 GB of stuff to remember deleting when I'm done creating this app.
Anyway, I've copied the libovravatar.dll file in the Assets folder and Unity crashed.
I've tried copying it into a Assets/Plugins folder (Unity documentation is not very clear on the function of this folder though), and still everything crashes.

  1. new project with same unity and oculus integration
  2. open 2 or 3 demo scenes
  3. check if works

if it doesnt, try pasting the editor log so we can all see what is happening and help you.

also it is not suggested to use 2018.3 , use 2018.2.20 which is the stable version. (I think there is a warning in the forum or the store about compatibility, not stable yet).

Honored Guest
I am using Unity 2019.1.10f and I am also facing this error when I exit playmode.  
DllNotFoundException: libovravatar
Also I noticed that the LocalAvatar prefab doesnt have any child objects which it should because I have seen tutorials where when you drop LocalAvatar into the hierarchy it contains child objects. But not in my case. Its one single object. I dont have oculus software installed and I am also using vrtk v4 as I dont have oculus headset/gear. 

Honored Guest

sabihis23 said:

I am using Unity 2019.1.10f and I am also facing this error when I exit playmode.  
DllNotFoundException: libovravatar
Also I noticed that the LocalAvatar prefab doesnt have any child objects which it should because I have seen tutorials where when you drop LocalAvatar into the hierarchy it contains child objects. But not in my case. Its one single object. I dont have oculus software installed and I am also using vrtk v4 as I dont have oculus headset/gear. 

same, can't find anything to solve this