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Absolute World Position in Material Error? - Unreal + Quest

Honored Guest
I'm developing for Quest using Unreal with Vulkan.  Project setttings are using mobile settings.  No HDR, no post-processing, forward rendering, etc.

I have a material which adds some fake lighting by calculating the distance from a flashlight object which uses a blueprint to pass the position into the material.
This material works correctly on Rift, PSVR and PC-based VR platforms.  It does not work correctly on Quest.

What is happening is the light position appears in two different positions depending on the eye.  In the left eye it appears that an object is lit but in the right eye it appears that the material is lit as if the object is moved a small distance to the right.  This creates a mis-match between the two eyes.

The material uses an Absolute World Position node plus it does a bunch of other calculations for light direction, etc.

I suspect that the Oculus HMD code in Unreal is offsetting the meshes for the right eye differently for Quest than it does for the Rift. 

If anyone has experience with this or similar issues related to Quest I would appreciate your help.  Thanks!

Honored Guest
Bump. Ever solved?

Honored Guest
For anyone looking, the solution for me was to take in the CameraVectorWS multiplied by -1

Hope this helps!