04-05-2018 03:30 PM
04-07-2018 10:13 AM
04-09-2018 10:52 AM
imperativity said:
Thanks for the additional information here. I am passing this along internally.
Are you using multiview perchance?
04-22-2018 05:32 AM
imperativity said:
An update for your from our integrations team:
"this is an issue at the driver level and we're not gonna be able to change that driver, so the only thing we can reliably do here is find a workaround and update the app.
They need to play around with UE and figure out what works and what doesn't in terms of texture formats and sampling types...
Can they try something else other than ASTC for that texture, like uncompressed or ETC2?"
04-23-2018 06:05 AM
04-25-2018 04:26 AM
imperativity said:
Here is some feedback from our integrations team:
"When dealing with floats in mobile shaders you can select a precision level, lowp/mediump/highp. Could they try putting that ReflectionIntensity to highp to see if that helps them?
Again, them providing us with a minimal repro (just sending the .uasset of the material that has the bug) helps us in getting a driver fix."