05-05-2017 01:56 AM
05-08-2017 11:21 AM
05-09-2017 01:42 PM
08-23-2017 07:55 PM
brian_jew said:
Is the Verify Entitlement hitting the "On Success"? Or in other words do you have an entitlement to your game? If you go to your oculus dashboard at dashboard.oculus.com and look at your app, you can upload a binary to one of the release channels and subscribe yourself to that channel.
Also you mention that this is for the GearVR, but are you testing this on a computer (ex just setting up the blueprint then hitting play)? It wouldn't have an entitlement to the GearVR app there. Instead what you can do is set up a dummy Rift app and plug in that rift app id to test that.