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Game saving issue and failed packaging

Honored Guest

Hi noob alert

I’m trying to create a save game feature for a game in meta quest 3.

I defined a structure of what I want to save and created GameSave blueprint and called that structure inside the blueprint.

then I called GameSave in my pawn and everything works fine when I’m in preview mode.

Here is the code in my pawn:
load and save posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

now the thing is when I try to get a package it fails getting me this error:

PackagingResults: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/SamplePTRL/save/VirsualBaySaveData.VirsualBaySaveData_C:all_objs.all_objs’. Unknown structure.

what do you think to be the issue here? thanks in advanced.